






政治科学 和 Studio Art



罗勒Kiracofe ’27, a recipient of the 路德奖学金, is heavily involved at Carthage. 他们是…的成员 摔跤队, Mi Gente, * SA同性恋群体学生会, 模拟联合国. 主修双学位 政治科学 和 工作室艺术,辅修 妇女与性别研究, Basil’s goal is to go to law school 和 work for the federal government or with charity law. 

Explore all of Carthage’s majors 和 minors


“The tools Carthage has to offer have given me the opportunity to succeed as a student 和 prepare for the future.”



“I chose Carthage because of the close-knit community, 组织, the classes that it offers. Carthage is a small school that allows for close relationships with students, 教师, 工作人员, 和管理. It allows for open communication 和 connections to different people throughout the whole campus. Carthage has over a hundred different 组织 that students can join to find community 和 friends who can support them while they’re here. 最后, the classes that Carthage offers are extremely unique 和 provide different perspectives to new concepts 和/or ideas.”


“bv伟德ios下载 教师 are some of the most supportive people here. They have provided me with many opportunities 和 resources. I have a close bond with a few of my professors, I’ve been grateful for the chance to meet 和 work with them. 在我大一的时候, 我脑震荡了, my relationship with 教师 has allowed for me to find ways to keep up with my work 和 get the extra help that I needed to succeed while recovering.”


“My favorite class at Carthage so far is Elementary 德国 with Professor Michelle Ishmael-Wright! She has been an amazing professor this year 和 always finds fun 和 engaging ways to teach her students 德国. I love how supportive she has been 和 how much effort she puts in to be a brilliant professor. The class is fun 和 interactive, the homework genuinely helps me better underst和 德国.”


“The toughest class I’ve had so far is 模拟试验. It was a huge learning curve, especially since I’ve never done it before, but it was a great experience. The class was a lot of work as we compete as an academic team, but it was 100 percent worth it in the end. I can’t wait to take the course again next year.”


“I’m involved in Mi Gente, * SA同性恋群体, 学生会, Model UN, the 摔跤队 here! 学生会 和 wrestling have been such a blast to do. I’ve learned a lot from both experiences 和 am grateful for the opportunity to be a part of both groups. In 学生会, I am a freshman senator 和 chair of the Ethics Committee. 在Mi Gente和* SA同性恋群体, I am a regular member who enjoys showing up 和 having a great community to learn from 和 be a part of.”


“One opportunity that I have had at Carthage so far was the ability to create a peer education group to raise awareness for topics within 第九条. Though it is still getting off the ground, I’ve been grateful for the opportunity to make a difference 和 create change on campus when there have been calls for change. I’m hoping to see great things from this group in the future 和 changes on campus. I also work as a digital communications intern for the Office of Marketing 和 Communications!”


“My favorite spot on campus is Hedberg图书馆. It is a great study spot that allows for me to get my work done without distraction. The study rooms in the lower level are great for study groups. My friends 和 I have utilized those study rooms on multiple occasions 和 have helped us greatly.”


“The best study tip I have for other students is to have breaks throughout your study time. It’s helped me a lot with my focus 和 retention of information in a lot of my classes. Taking breaks while studying gives you mental breaks 和 can help keep you engaged in what you’re doing.”


“The best way to make friends at Carthage is to join different 组织 和 campus events! I met some of my closest friends through the different 组织 that I’ve joined, such as Mi Gente or 学生会. Being in a sport is another great way to make friends, as you can have a support system that will always be there for you. Being on the 摔跤队 here has given me the chance to make great friends that I hope to have for the rest of my life.”

Advice for other students in your major?

“A piece of advice I would give is to take the time 和 effort to do the work 和 learn through these classes, as the information is extremely valuable. Being a part of the two majors I am gives me the ability to explore multiple disciplines, rather than just being confined to one study of learning.”